Late fall is such a lovely time in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. The hickories are still glowing gold while the Sassafras trees are still busy showing off their brilliant red. One of our favorite native trees Asimina triloba, aka Pawpaw, is also getting ready for its winter rest. Gable and Peggy paid a season end visit to Pawpaw Hill to witness the last of their fall beauty. The few remaining golden leaves will soon be replaced with winter’s bare branches and in early March the beautiful dark maroon hanging bell flowers that will produce the delicious fruit will appear. Pawpaw Hill is gorgeous in all it's seasons and we hope you can visit it soon.
Pawpaw Hill Panorama
Pawpaws still clinging to the very last of their leaves
Pawpaw Hill, so aptly named
Gable enjoying the end of fall
Pawpaws are one of the last to drop their leaves
Gable the guardian is King of 'Papaw Hill'